Path to the Truth Truth

In response, Christ did not rebuke them. He never said there was no way a man could have sinned before being born onto the current earth life. For them, reincarnation was a fact.

How can we speak of an immutable and perfect Justice of the Almighty if everything begins and ends with all that we can see and experience within a short space of an earth-life?

The current millennia have indeed seen its own share of evil men and their evil deeds. They have been well documented in history. What happens to them after their demise in the current earth-life?  

Amon Leopord Goth, commonly called the Butcher of Plaszow in the era the of Third Reich in Germany.  He was reportedly so power drunk, he was using fellow human beings as targets for riffle practice and summarily executing people at any  slight provocation.

History recorded Goth to have personally shot between thirty to ninety women and children during the liquidation of the Jewish ghetto of Krakow in addition to the several thousands, deemed not good for work he ordered murdered in Auschwitz. Hundreds more were reportedly murdered on his order on the streets of Krakow.  Has his hanging  on he 13th of September 1946 for crimes against humanity atoned for all the killings, the many lives he cut short and the many blessings that could have come upon the earth through those lives?  Is that it for him?

Most certainly his physical death cannot equal an atonement for the spiritual consequences of his evil deeds. The Lord is not mocked.

What about Adolf Hitler? The architect and the embodiment of the evil behind the Holocaust? Was his suicide in his bunker on the 30th of April 1945 the end of atonement for him? Can the justice of the Almighty be so imperfect? I recoil with revulsion at the very thought. Much still await him. In the perfect Justice of the Almighty, he would experience the effect of his evil deeds in this part of creation where he committed the atrocities.

The Natural laws issuing out of the Will of the Almighty manifest in nature, visibly before us.

When you sow seeds of rye; you reap rye in multiples and on the plot of land where you sow them.  It cannot be otherwise.

The Work: In the Light of Truth, The Grail Message by Abd-ru-shin indeed elucidates extensively.

From the Work this writer understands that the coming of man to earth comprises: Procreation, Incarnation and Birth.

Incarnation is the actual entrance of a soul into the physical body prepared for it in a pregnant woman: This happens precisely at a stage of pregnancy.  

One also understands that the power of attraction of entities that are spiritually homogeneous plays a leading role in incarnation. Thus, we see some qualities of a father or mother reflected on a son or daughter, and we do consider such, inherited. In reality these are not inherited.  Spiritual qualities are never inherited from father or mother. The soul drawn to particular parents already has these spiritual qualities. It is the homogeneity of these qualities that brings about the possibility of the  attraction. This explains why we see certain spiritual traits running down a family line. The case of a Black Sheep in the family is a different story.

But evil doesn't necessarily have to run down a family line because of this. There is always an opportunity for redemption and thus a change of course through an exercise of one's Free Will.

We are all tied into a cycle knotted not by fate but by the essence of our individual decisions.


THE intricacies of the interwoven events in human life are most often so intriguing and striking that one cannot but seek for explanations and clarity.

A grandmother and her granddaughter went through life not seeing eye-to-eye. It was a life filled with conflict, tussles and discord.

.The granddaughter came to an unshakable conviction that the grandmother hated her, yet both could not let go off each other till the grandmother passed away.

Years later the granddaughter had her first daughter and started raising her. To everyone, there was something glaringly missing in this mother-daughter relationship: a filial bond. As the child grows, so grows a turbulent, toxic relationship between mother and daughter. The two went through life constantly in discord: an exact replica of the toxic relationship between the mother and her deceased grandmother.

A coincidence?

An infant, two days old sleeping in his crib suddenly flinched and shrieked in transparent fear when the crib was abruptly touched.  How did he sense danger if he doesn’t bear a prior experience of being injured or hurt? Most definitely that did not happen within an experience of two days on earth.

Can we honestly give plausible explanations for these experiences without knowing what lies behind the lives of these individuals?

Most certainly life experience vividly shows that; in an earth-life, we are all looking at a phase of a long chain of interconnecting events; like watching a single frame of a long movie.   Can we honestly judge a movie based on a single frame?

Life is full of riddles.  Trying to solve the riddles solely on a current life experience is indeed akin to judging a movie based on the exposition on a single frame of the movie.    


Reincarnation is a fact of life.

We are all tied into a cycle knotted not by fate but by the essence of our individual decisions.

To the Yorubas in the Western part of Nigeria, that family members reincarnate within the immediate and extended family is a forgone conclusion. The strong conviction was never in doubt until it got diluted in some parts by the modern form of Christianity. The conviction is vividly reflected in the names given to babies born after the demise of a family member.  We have names like Babatunde (Papa Here Again); Iyabo( Mama Returns),  etc.  In some cases, the children so named do show character traits of the departed after whom they were named. Some even show physical resemblance in gaits and carriage.

Some Christians often vehemently affirm that Jesus taught nothing on reincarnation. Of course, Jesus needs not spend his precious time teaching what was already a common knowledge among his people, for the knowledge of reincarnation was already a living conviction among the disciple and others around Jesus at that time.

It’s right there in the New Testament for the one who seeks.

From the Gospel of Mark we read;

“27. And Jesus went out, and his disciples into the towns of Caes-a-re’a Phi-lip’pi and by the way he asked his disciples, saying unto them, Whom say the people that I am?

28. And they answered, John the Baptist; but some say, E-li-as; and others, One of the prophets.

29. And he saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Peter answereth and saith unto him.  Thou art the Christ. “ ( Mark 7 27-29, KJV)         

And from the Gospel of John we also read:   


1.AND as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth.  

2.And his disciples asked him saying, Master who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?    (John 9, 1-2, KJV).

This very question from the disciples presupposed a deep knowledge of reincarnation.  If not, how could they have asked if the man was born blind because he sinned? Meaning the man sinned before he was born. Obviously, the man could not have sinned in his mother’s womb. He could only have sinned in another earth life prior to the current one.  

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 Reincarnation; Fact or Fiction?