Path to the Truth Truth

       The Tree of Knowledge, the Why and the Why Not

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PERFECT is the Almighty Father of All! Perfect are His Commandments which issued out of His Will. Man often confused himself when he views the commandments of His Creator solely from his earthly point of view, placing everything about himself, his Creator and His Creation within the confines of Time and Space.

So it is with man’s view on the Biblical “Forbidden Fruit” narration as rendered in the Creation Story. Man has so walled himself within the Gross Material earth that the spiritual significance of this narration remains lost to many.

In the Biblical Creation Story, we read: And the LORD GOD commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden, thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. (Genesis 2, Vs 16- 17; KJV).

Since man has conditioned himself singularly to the idea of an earthly Garden of Eden, he can not but be faced with some significant questions on the above passage. Why, for example did the Almighty plant the Tree of Knowledge if man was not meant to eat of it. And if eating of it would cause death, why allow it to exist? These are questions readily calling for answers and are indeed fundamental to one’s understanding of our Creator. But give God the Honor of Perfection and everything becomes clear to you.

A simple reflection on the nature of the Almighty would open one to an understanding that this is a pictorial rendition of an event meant to be understood in a spiritual sense; for if man is truly spiritual, then every key event regarding his coming into being must be viewed in a spiritual sense.

In the Infinite Wisdom and Goodness of the Almighty Father, when He created man, He blessed him with a world of gifts and abilities, allegorically described as trees in the Creation story. Prominent among these gifts are the Free Will, the Intuitive Perception and of course, the Intellect when he descended to this part of creation. We are to make use of all, eat of all except one. In his activities, man is to make use of his Free Will and his Intuition among others. Being an intuitive being, he is to tap into his Intuitive Perception which has its origin in the spiritual and thus purely spiritual. It’s what the man of today calls the Inner Voice. Those who strongly tap into it know that it never errs. It is never wrong. It’s impossible for it to err.

The Intuitive Perception is not Feelings nor Imagination. These are three completely different things. In the scheme of things, the physical body generates instinct which when guided by the intellect produces feelings. Thus feelings emanate from the physical body. A continuous strengthening of feelings though intellectual activities gives birth to imagination. Imagination is therefore not spiritual. The Intuitive Perception on the other hand issues out of the inner man, the spirit, which is man himself. It is spiritual. It’s infused with spiritual power. Thus, man is to make use of the gift of intuition, readily tapping into it as he wishes according to his Creator’s command, but the Tree of Knowledge, which through the Grace of the Almighty we now know to be the symbolic denotation of the Intellect, he was commanded not to eat. ..

“But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. (Genesis 2, Vs 17; KJV).”

Clearly if this tree was planted in the garden, i.e. given to man as a gift, it could not have been given for nothing. It was meant for a purpose. Nothing is without a purpose.

When the Admonition says, “Thou shall not eat of it”, the deep meaning is: You are not to make use of it for the purpose for which it is not meant. You are not to interfere in the course of its development towards this purpose. In the epoch in which you make use of it for the purpose for which it’s not meant, you would surely die. Of course, with this, was meant, spiritual death.

The account clearly states that the Tempter lured the first couple to eat of the Tree of Knowledge. One cannot but ask why? What does he stand to gain from this? The clear answer lies in the fact that; at that stage of man’s development, he was not mature enough to control the Intellect and place it under the guidance of the Intuitive Perception.

Like every organ in the body, the intellect was meant to awake into its activities when man has matured to a level where he can effectively place it under the guidance of the Intuitive Perception…Man did not know this, but of course His Creator knows this..And the darkness clearly knows this too. Here in this world, far away from the Almighty Father, He, the Tempter stands as the strongest spirit, hence through the rudderless intellect, he can control man.

Events have indeed shown that with its premature cultivation and its over cultivation, the intellect has now developed into an uncontrollable monster. It has given birth to falsehood, oppression, greed, cheating, deceit, loss of trust and loss of love and the like among others. All these are clearly attributes of the Darkness. They are expressways to spiritual death for man.

The Darkness wished to control man through the intellect. He succeeded in no small measure. Had man not altered the course of development of the intellect, it would have awakened naturally at the appropriate time and developed into what it’s meant to be; a tool in the hands of the Intuitive Perception.

Now, it would be a great error indeed to say that this event; the Fall of Man occurred in the proximity of God, i.e. in the real Paradise. This is impossible, for in the proximity of God, every Entity, every Being swings in His Will. It is impossible for them to do otherwise. Moreover, it is impossible for the Darkness to make an approach to the proximity of the Almighty. The Purity and Luminosity of His proximity are much too strong to allow for such.

Thus, man did not fall in the Real Creation. Man fell in this Subsequent Creation which is worlds away from the “proximity” of the Almighty. Therefore, the Fall of Man remains an event which occurred in our world but rendered in pictures for the spirit of man.
