Path to the Truth Truth

            Whatsoever a Man Soweth…..

Perfect is the Lord. Perfect are the Words issuing out of His Perfection; simple and crystal clear.

   “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

These Divine Wisdom laden Words were clearly expressed, free of ambiguity, any man can understand it. Like every other statement uttered by the Lord Jesus Christ, the words were chosen with Divine Wisdom that in all simplicity it cannot but show the Nature of His Father and how He works.

How can mankind fail to see the meaning and the implication of these Words?

Why vehemently blame the Almighty when faced with what we called misfortunes? Why don’t we yearn to do good the more when blessings rain upon us?

The statement clearly says that each man weaves the tapestry of his life, pure and simple.

…That Shall He Reap.”  He says. One reaps what one has sown.  Simply said we are all bound to our works.

As a major help to us, erring mankind, the Lord came to us in the flesh and in all simplicity showed us the Nature of His Father’s Laws through His Words, woven sometimes in parables. He emphatically called for a belief in His Words and repentance.  And herein lies the key. He called for repentance. He never said continue to pray without working on forsaking one’s old ignoble ways of life and turning a new leaf.

 “Work and Pray.”  He also said.

Only through repentance can one put an end to sowing evil and begin to sow the good and the noble. With this arises a strong volition for the good and the noble. This inner change is a must. The inner man must change from an ignoble way of life before he can expect blessings to come his way and even expect his prayer to ascend His Thrown.

Again, the Lord Jesus Christ expressly states in the Lord’s Prayer that He gave us.  

Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespassed against us.”

Thus, for one’s prayer to ascend the Throne of the Almighty and be anchored, it must be preceded by repentance.  Repentance brings with it an awakening of the volition for the good and the noble. Once this becomes second nature to one and completely encapsulate the totality of one’s being, one cannot but act in love and thus be connected to the Source of Love and Light, thereby one finds homogeneity with the Kingdom of the Almighty Father.  Gradually one drops the hitherto homogeneity with the darkness and its minions. This is equivalent to being born anew as the Lord taught us. The retuning radiations of the good and noble now being sown cannot but find an anchorage in one.

What about the returning radiations of the ignoble that one has sown ?

As stated, an alignment with the Kingdom of the Almighty in thoughts, words and deeds results in homogeneity with Purity and Light which permeate this Realm. This establishes a shield of Light against the returning radiation of ignoble deeds coursing towards one.  Some would bounce off the shield without any noticeable effect. Some strong ones cannot but manifest with visible effects.  For the likes of those, the Lord in His Mercies provided for Symbolic Atonement in which these are redeemed without impacting  jarring, severe blows on the inner man as they would have without an inner change. The effect, in some cases would be so insignificant, they are hardly noticed.

No doubt, in all situations, the Words are still fulfilled; “Whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall also reap.”   But the Lord has indeed shown us how to gain control of the impacts of the returning radiations; lessen the severity of the blows of the ignoble ones and of course how to magnify the returning effect of the good ones.


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